Monday, July 13, 2009

Colocasia 'Black Beauty'

Super excited! My Colocasia 'Black Beauty' which I thought died this spring has just started to grow again.

Two new shoots from last years (rotten) bulb in a 4" pot

Last year this almost flowered for me twice but didn't quite open either time. I doubt it will try this year because of its size but next year it might get another shot.

Last years flowering attempt

Since we're already off topic... Other than plants hardy to zone 5 I keep Aroids (including this Colocasia, several members of the Cryptocoryne genus and off and on Anubias species, none right now), Ferns, Orchids and Bromeliads (Tillandsias and Vrieseas). Actually from that list I suppose I also keep Ferns, orchids and aroids that are hardy to zone 5... My orchid and Jack in the Pulpit were both just recently planted so I can't comment on them too much but maybe expect a fern post in the future?


  1. To answer your question from PATSP:

    I've had one of the red Aglaonemas since January 2008, and it's been doing okay. It hasn't been hugely different from the other Ags, though it has more of a tendency to drop leaves in response to waterings, and they're alleged to need better humidity and light. (The light part seems to have been true, in my experience. Certainly it's developed redder colors when given better light. Humidity I'm not sure about.)

    My personal plant has gotten a bit leggy and needs to be cut back, but that's to be expected after a year and a half. I'm afraid to do it: I've had bad luck trying to root other Aglaonema cuttings ('Stars') in the past. But other than that . . . it's been more trouble than your average Ag, but less trouble than I was expecting it to be, based on the way people talk about the red Ags. Make of that what you will.

  2. Thanks for the input. I'm still not sure if I should get it. I'm leaning towards no because the spot I want to put it is not always very warm or bright though I'm sure the humidity in my room would make it happy.
